In Fear of China – How the New World Power Gains from Our Crisis. -

The zigzag course the west has navigated in the debt crisis accelerates the ascent of the middle kingdom. Our dependency on Beijing is increasing on a yearly basis. Frank Sieren had accurately envisaged this dramatic global transformation some years ago. In his new book he examines China’s formidable strengths and the hidden risks associated with the boom. But he also exposes our unbelievable weaknesses with which we carelessly jeopardize the future.
Germany has become even more dependent on the new world power China since the financial crisis. The greater the problems are at home, the more we have to bank on China. Germany’s economic growth is now already ‘Made in China’. The Chinese are increasingly buying up German companies as we are running out of money. Meanwhile Beijing dictates its own rules of the game and there is no end in sight to this transformation. We have already had to concede the title export world champion and even in the field of environmental technology China is overtaking us. What is going to happen in the near future when the Chinese manufacture our products without us? Is China threatening our affluence or are we being helped to maintain it?
‘In fear of China’ is available at:
Hardcover edition: 432 pages, Euro 19.90 (D)
Publisher: Econ-Verlag (September 2011)
ISBN-10 343030041X
(Amazon) Kindle edition (September 2011)
Euro 8.99 (D) Kindle-Shop
E-Book (September 2011)
Euro 8.99 (D)