The Concubine Economy – Why Western Companies Fail in China and the Chinese are Charging to the Top of the World -

The concubine economy is in the meantime a synonym for what awaits western companies in the world’s largest growth market. Mercilessly they are pitted against one another by the Chinese. They have to vie for the favour of the Chinese partners, as once the concubines had to for the favour of the emperor. Even corporations are no longer able to determine the rules of the game in a perplexing market. The Chinese communists succeed in fighting for the cause of their companies with full might. Often the Chinese get carried away in the process and steal the whole product outright.

It is not with less tremendous dedication that the Chinese leadership assists Chinese companies in shrewdly establishing a firm footing in established markets and in developing countries. In the process they develop strategies that teach the west the meaning of fear. Citing numerous examples of companies, the China expert Frank Sieren reveals the weaknesses of the westerners and the strengths of the Chinese. We are able to learn from both of these and once again attune our competitiveness. Indispensible management know-how in a global market, in which the focus shifts on a daily basis a little bit further in the direction of Asia.
‘The Concubine Economy’ is available at:
Hardcover edition: 250 pages, Euro 19.90 (D), Euro 20.50 (A) sFr 35.90
(October 2008)
ISBN-10: 3430300258,